Tuesday, December 25, 2012

visit semarang and lawang sewu

lawang Sewu is a relic of ancient Dutch building that was built in 1904. Originally this building for corporate headquarters rail (tram) Dutch colonizers or Nederlandsch Indishe Spoorweg Naatschappij (NIS). Building three-story art deco (1850-1940) was the work of renowned Dutch architect, Prof. Jacob F Klinkhamer and BJ Queendag. Lawang Sewu located on the east side of Tugu Muda Semarang, or on a street corner Pandanaran and street youth. Called lawang sewu (Thousand Doors), this is because the building has a door that very much. In fact, there is no door to a thousand. The building has many windows high and wide, so people often take it as a door.

This is a legacy of the Dutch railway

semarang at night

hello Christmas

though I do not celebrate because my religion Islam, but I still respect today, because some of my family celebrating Christmas

full color
happy  celebrating Christmas guys :)